Note for those friends who just hit the links from here — I’ve added a “stuff I used to read” section at the bottom, so links won’t just vanish.
These are in the order in which I typically read, not necessarily my order of preference — I mean, there’s some preference there, but some of the grouping is thematic or to keep multiple things by the same writer/artist/etc. together. Anything that updates less frequently than weekly goes in a lower section.
Currently reading
- Two Lumps
- Endtown
- Batman: Wayne Family Adventures
- Grrl Power
- It Never Rains
- Wilde Life
- Between Failures
- Love Not Found
- The Pauper’s Prince
- Witch Warp
- Phantomarine
- Unsounded
- Adelaide and the Shooting Star
- Magefront
- Honeybee
- Court of Roses
- Clover & Cutlass
- Lovespells
- My Dragon Girlfriend
- The Princess Beast
- Love and Hex
- Leif & Thorn
- Vainglorious
- Marble Gate Dungeon
- Castoff
- The Glass Scientists
- Widdershins
- Skin Deep
- The Witch Door
- Transfusions
- Children of the Lich
- The Hazards of Love
- Monster Soup
- Wychwood
- Ingress Adventuring Company
- Sombulus
- Goblins
- Mias and Elle
- Sleepless Domain
- Stormwolves
- Extra!
- Aurora
- Errant
- Nix of Nothing
- Awaken
- Erma
- Devil’s Panties
- Hyperfocus
- No End
- Bicycle Boy
- Ghost Junk Sickness
- Cassandra Comics
- xkcd
- How Baby
- Existential Comics
- Acception
- Gamer Cafe
- Rigsby, WI
- Pia and the Little Tiny Things
- Selkie
- Modest Medusa
- The Princess Beast
- Gunnerkrigg Court
- Namesake
- A Girl and Her Fed
- Side Quested
- Bookwyrms
- The Chronicles of Oro
- The Forgotten Order
- Fairmeadow
- 3rd Voice
- Ten Earth-Shattering Blows
- Sunbird
- Drive
- Least I Could Do
- Sam and Fuzzy
- Sluggy Freelance
- Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal
- Spacetrawler
- Sister Claire
- El Goonish Shive
- Shot and Chaser
- Dumbing of Age
- How To Be A Werewolf
- Tiger, Tiger
- Something Positive
- Girl Genius
- Questionable Content
NSFW Comics
- Dominic Deegan (occasional nudity and sex)
- Patchwork and Lace (content warnings)
- Kill Six Billion Demons (occasional nudity)
- The Hunt & River St. (two comics, same writer/artist)
- Infernal Relations (much more NSFW on Patreon, but still enough here to put it in this list)
- Nortverse
- Oglaf
- Rock Cocks
I Read It On Patreon
These are comics that are well ahead on Patreon, but I also put them here for folks who want to pick them up this way.
- Assassin Roommate
- Bonnie N. Collide
- Chaos Life (only posting via Patreon right now)
Infrequent Updaters
These update either randomly or less than every few weeks.
- Cassiopeia Quinn (every 2-3 weeks)
- Clawshot!
- Daughter of the Lilies (hope springs eternal)
- The Epic Life Adventure of Connor (every month or two, burst of pages)
- Heirs of the Veil
- I Roved Out In Search of Truth and Love (NSFW)
- I want to be a cute anime girl
- Litterbox
- Mondo Mango
- Order of the Stick
- Real Life Comics
- Someone Always Cares
- Three Panel Soul
- Voodoo Walrus (now semi-steady but slow after the original writer’s death)
- Wapsi Square
- Weird Luck
Will Catch Up Eventually
Random hiatus status, including ones which go silent for prolonged periods, burst back for a while, then wander off again.
- Atomic Robo
- Anacrine Complex
- The Automan’s Daughter (by end of 2024)
- Boyfriends
- Dicebox
- Flaky Pastry
- Honey & Venom
- Incorruptible
- Real Science Adventures
- Rising Sand
- Romantically Apocalyptic
- Transincidental
- True Colors
- YRSA and the God of Death (new comic, getting started after previous work is done)
Indefinite Hiatus List
These may actually make a comeback at some point, but the creators are still around and have made a point about an explicit hiatus.
- The Cure For Desire
- Family Man (at some point she’ll get back to it… eventually. maybe.)
- Goodbye to Halos
- Headless Bliss
- Lackadaisy (focus is currently on the animated series)
- The Last Halloween (on hold due to current focus on the games they’re creating, etc.)
- lunarbaboon
- Never Satisfied
- Reblanked (hoping for more)
- Speak of the Devil (pending more story)
- Strong Female Protagonist
- [un]Divine (updating on Patreon)
- Valley Ghouls
- FindChaos
Finished Stories
These are old and finished comics that are worth the read — personal favorites are marked in bold.
- 8-bit Theater
- The Adventures of Lady Skylark and the Queen’s Treasure
- Alethia
- Always Human (definitely play the music when it’s there!)
- Anders Loves Maria
- Anna Galactic
- Apocalyptic Horseplay (you should read UndeadEd first, but you don’t have to)
- Applegeeks
- As We Were
- Atomic Laundromat
- Avalon
- Avialae (NSFW)
- Bad Machinery
- Bear and Kitten
- Beneath the Clouds
- Bite Me! (from the maker of Family Man)
- Blaster Nation
- Bobbins (Scary Go Round spun off from here, followed by Bad Machinery)
- Boo! It’s Sex
- Boumeries
- Boy Meets Boy (Friendly Hostility is a spin-off of this)
- Brat-halla
- Bruno
- But I’m a Cat Person
- Charity Case
- Chirault
- Comedity
- Commander YES!
- Cool Cat Studios
- Crow Girl
- Cupido
- Darken
- Darwin Carmichael is Going to Hell
- Dents
- Digger
- Dr. McNinja
- Duel in the Somme
- Eldritch Grandpa
- Experience Boost
- Fans
- Finn and Charlie are Hitched
- Fragile Gravity
- Freakangels
- Friendly Hostility (Other People’s Business spun off from here)
- Friends With Boys
- Gaia
- Girls Like You
- Girls With Slingshots
- Go Get a Roomie!
- Goats
- Gods & Undergrads
- The Gods of Arr-Kelaan
- Goth Western
- Guilded Age
- The Hearth and the Stone
- Hollow
- Heart of Keol
- Impure Blood
- Immortal Nerd
- The Japanese Beetle
- Joe and Monkey
- Kay and P
- Khaos Komix
- Kiss It Goodbye
- The Less Than Epic Adventures of TJ and Amal
- Let’s Speak English!
- Little Dee
- Looking For Group
- Mac Hall (the first comic from the guys from Three Panel Soul)
- Mage & Demon Queen (this one’s a soft recommendation, but if you dig the first dozen pages you’ll really like the rest)
- Magical Boy
- Mare Internum
- Manly Guys Doing Manly Things
- Megacynics
- Midnight Macabre
- Missing Monday
- Molly Beans
- Motherlover
- Multiplex
- Narbonic
- Nodwick
- Nukees
- O Human Star
- One Way
- Other People’s Business (Ends with a pile of text)
- Ozy and Millie
- Paradigm Shift
- Pants Are Overrated
- Penny and Aggie
- The Phoenix Requiem
- Portside Stories (from the maker of Goodbye to Halos)
- Power Nap
- Puffer and Clarissa
- Punch an’Pie
- Queen of Wands (Punch an’Pie is a spin-off of this)
- Ratfist
- Sandra and Woo
- Schlock Mercenary
- Scary Go Round
- Ship Wrecked
- Shortpacked!
- Skin Horse
- Skullkickers
- Sledgebunny (from the makers of Fragile Gravity)
- Snow by Night
- A Softer World
- Softymetal
- Soul’s Journey
- Sorcery 101
- Star Power
- Starslip
- Striptease!
- The Stoop Gallants
- Supernormal Step
- Sword Interval
- Tora Steals Things
- Two Guys and Guy (functionally just stops, but there’s not really a story here, so no worries)
- UndeadEd
- Up and Out
- Vattu
- Wasted Talent
- West of Bathurst
- When I Grow Up (from the creator of Wigu and Overcompensating)
- ZAP! (radically different comic from the writer/artist of Wilde Life)
- Zebra Girl
- The Zombie Hunters (warning: ends mid-storyarc)
Stuff That’s … Over?
Stuff that was good, but just kinda… ended. I check on these once in a while to see if they’re moving again, though.
- The Adventures of Sue and Kathryn (creator’s still working on Selkie)
- Atomic Laundromat (stops mid-story, but it’s a fun ride)
- Cindersong
- Edison Rex
- Finder’s Keepers (ends prematurely)
- The Last Human
- Lighter Than Heir
- Maximumble (pretty much moved to animated version via Twitter)
- Motokool
- Miss Melee
- Mysteries of the Arcana
- Muddlers Beat
- Nerf This
- Overcompensating
- Prague Race
- P.S. 238
- Scenes From a Multiverse
- Scout Crossing
- Sol Dorado
- Shattered Starflight
- Sordid City Blues (warning: ends mid-storyarc)
- Superbitch!
- Templar, Arizona
- Use Sword On Monster
- Zombie Roomie (rebooted and then puts up a random strip once or twice a year)
Stuff I Used To Read
These may or may not be still going; I just … lost interest for one reason or another. That could be writing or art going in directions I didn’t care for, extended hiatuses that I didn’t want to deal with, or maybe I just decided it wasn’t worth the time to read on the regular instead of a big burst. Sometimes things move back up into the “I’m reading it list.” 😉
- The Abominable Charles Christopher
- Accursed Dragon
- Achewood
- Atland
- Awkward Zombie
- Axe Cop
- Candi
- Cat and Girl
- Chopping Block
- College Roomies From Hell
- Cyanide & Happiness
- Darths and Droids
- Diesel Sweeties
- Dinosaur Comics
- Doonesbury
- Erfworld
- Evil Inc.
- GPF Comics
- Hijinks Ensue
- Megatokyo
- Not Drunk Enough
- Nerd and Jock
- NPC Comic
- Octopus Pie
- Out There
- PartiallyClips
- PVP Online
- Penny Arcade
- Sidekick Girl
- The System
- Trying Human
- Weregeek
- The Wotch